2013, another year of change.

January 11, 2013  •  Leave a Comment


If I could ask for anything in my life for 2013, it would be a never ending supply of kindness and grace. The world is a better place when we slow down and remember what is important. I know that I fall short on a daily basis, but I also know that my heart is a good one. I will never spend enough time with my family and friends, but I want them to know that I love them and am proud that they are part of my life. I could not even imagine my journey without them. I remember simple times as a kid growing up, they were beautiful days. Looking back on them, they almost seem to belong to somebody else, as if I am watching a movie in which there is a kid that looks like what I would look like if I went back in time. That kid is still in me in so many ways. Maybe I am a dreamer, perhaps I am just trying to hold on to something that remains special to me. Either way, I can not thank my parents enough for all they have ever done for me, nor can I ever repay them for all they have given me. I started this year a way I have never started any year, I started it married. It is funny, for that is something I thought I would do at around the age of 28, not 42. Actually, I remember sitting on my BMX bike in Rupert talking to a friend who was also 12 or 13 at the time. " I am going to be married by the time I am 28" I said. "I will have my first child right away and my 2nd child when I am 32 or 33....a boy first and then a girl." I really had it all figured out back then. Little did I know how far I would be from that, nor could I see at the time that that plan was just a reflection of my parent's life. So anyway, I am now recently married and we (Shara and I) are expecting. I have had an interesting life, however I know that none of that will compare to holding my child for the first time. A safe delivery for my wife and our baby is my biggest wish this year, a wish that is still very "unreal" at the moment. Shara, I love you. Mom and Dad, I thank you with all of heart, you two are the best parents and I love you! , Shrimp, you are the best sister a guy could ask for. Last but not least to all my friends both new and old, as well as to all those I have yet to meet, may God bless you and the ones you love this year!


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